About VCE Ink
VCE creates a work ethic for success on the outside. Most of those who are now incarcerated will return to society. While it’s not up to VCE to decide who is or is not released, as a Correctional Program it is our job to teach inmates the necessary skills they need to successfully find and keep a job outside prison walls. Boiled down to the most simplistic terms, the ability to earn a paycheck once released is pivotal to whether or not a former inmate becomes a productive member of society or a repeat inmate.
Although it can take a little time to receive your order, the furniture is very well made and worth the wait. Also, I was having a hard time finding a stand up desk to fit the size of my regular desk. Karl actually made a trip to Harrisonburg to look at my desk, measure it, and talk with me about options. Then he went back to his office, checked it out, and let me know what they could do. You don’t get that type of service much anymore!